Monday, October 7, 2013

Day 7.


Get it? Savasana is the best part of yoga. It's when you can lay in all your sweaty glory and come the closest you've ever been to falling asleep on a wood floor.  Until you're abruptly woken up to the voice that just kicked your ass for the past hour.

Anyway, Savasana + day seven = sevensana. It's simple math.

Today Katie and I took seperate classes because of schedule problems. She took a 9:45am power yoga basics in the flow studio (not hot) and I took a 5:30pm slow flow (when I say slow I mean slllllloooooowwwww) in the flow studio (not hot, and by not hot I mean there were fans going. I was actually somewhat chilly at one point). It was nice to unwind and take an easier class after a long first week. The studio we took our class in yesterday was 99 degrees, so I think we deserved a room temperature work out today. 

Reflections of the week (weak?):

1. My thighs are still thick. But "thunder thighs have more muscle" according to our instructor

2. It is okay to be shown up in class by a woman 3-4 times your age 

3. Dish towels can substitute as sweat towels

4. Classes don't get much easier as you go

5. I only have enough yogi clothes to last five days. Including two days where
I am the only girl wearing spandex shorts in the entire studio. Apparently spandex shorts aren't cool for yoga, I gotta do more research about it cause the shorts felt greeeeat. Men in yoga wear shorts... maybe it's a sexist thing. I don't think so.

6. If you leave any article of clothing in your car after a hot yoga class it will takeat least  six days for the sweat to dry, if it ever does

7. Do laundry every three days to avoid numbers 5 & 6

(A photo of late night 100% spandex laundry being done before a 6am class tomorrow)

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Day 6

Some of us (Katie) are still recovering from day 4. Some of us (Annie) took 2 naps today. Today was our first real hump day, and the closest we've come to wimping out. We spent a collective hour and 9 phone calls between each other trying to rationalize a break day today, but we made it out! I (Katie) feel like someone opened up my shoulders and stuck rocks in them and stitched them back together. It's cute.

The good news is that today was one of our favorite classes! The better news is that we're still chugging along. 6 down, 24 to go!

Someone fell over in our class today and then ten minutes later, someone else farted really loud. As a result, I got church laugh during shavasana. It's only a matter of time between both of these things happen to both of us.

A quick, informative "before" video:


Day 4

Ok, day 3 got skipped. NOT that we didn't go to yoga, just that we didn't blog. We're realizing we can't do yoga every day and blog every day as well- shooting for every other day.

Anyway, day 4. This woman tried to kill us slowly. It was a 75 minute power vinyasa class, and we both lost 2 gallons of body fluids. We won't specify who lost what.

It. Was. Nuts.

Visual aid:

Yes, it's real. That's really us. Two twenty-something humans. Females.


Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Day 2- K

Tranquil times.

Annie and I have to go to separate classes today for scheduling reasons- namely that I didn't want to wake up at 5 and Annie works till 5. So Annie went to a 6:30am and I'm going to a 5pm.

I have an eerie sense of calm today. It's an off day from work and I'm not running around cleaning everything, running errands, etc. Maybe this has something to do with yesterday's class being so relaxing?

Who knows! Ommmmmmmmmmm.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Day 1.

We're off and running. Off and running. 



Color effects. Gotta take advantage of technology. You snooze you lose when it comes to this technology game. Also, no one looks good after yoga.

Until day 2!